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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Not Another Resolution

2013 was a pretty good year. I've kept great friends, made new friends, enjoyed time with my family, got a promotion, went back to school, and started this blog..... I'm a firm believer in challenging yourself throughout life so I'm not going to talk about what I won't do but what I'd like to do. (This is in no particular order)
  1. Visit a state I've never been to before. Arizona and Nevada don't count, I'm thinking Illinois (Chicago) or Massachusetts (Boston) but may need to set my sights a bit closer.
  2. Dance on country night at Borderline. I know everyone went there when they turned 18 but I missed out and need to get my Boot Scootin Boogie on.
  3. Take a dance class. I miss dancing!! Sea World Champs 2009!
  4. Ride a horse
  5. Camp on the Channel Islands. Not Catalina. My dad and I keep talking about a few days of real camping on either Santa Barbara or Santa Cruz. 
  6. Rent a paddle board
  7. Take a picture with a celebrity. I've lived in SoCal my entire life but have only met one C list celebrity - this seems almost impossible and my luck needs to change. 
  8. Go to a Kings Game. No explanation needed.
  9. Make my first investment. I study it, I read about it, time to take the plunge.
  10. 12 + posts throughout 2014.
And some of my favorite 2013 memories: 



New Friends:

Old Friends: